Big Brother Season 14 Episode Two Mark DrumJuly 15, 2012Big Brother, rant, reality tv, reflecting, reflection
Big Brother Season 14 Episode One Mark DrumJuly 13, 2012Big Brother, rant, reality tv, reflecting, reflection, summer, thoughts
Better late than never Mark DrumJune 19, 2012Pi Kappa Phi, adventure, good cause, thoughts, unexpected, weather
Auditioning for Reality TV Mark DrumMay 11, 2012Friday, easy day, positive, reality tv, reflecting, thoughts
Rejection Mark DrumMarch 15, 2012blah, grad search, music, new, positive, reflecting, reflection, thoughts, work
Wishing, Dreaming and Blogging Mark DrumFebruary 27, 2012Pi Kappa Phi, monday, reflecting, travel, unexpected
10 days until Christmas Mark DrumDecember 15, 2011Pi Kappa Phi, goals, life, sick, theatre, travel, weather, work
Late night and oversleeping Mark DrumSeptember 5, 2011adventure, blah, friend, grad search, reflection, sore, thoughts, travel, work