10 days until Christmas

So I've definitely neglected on blogging the past few months. However it doesn't mean I didn't want to blog, it's just been very busy and I've procrastinated on blogging as well as many other things.

Let's see if I can sum up two months and get everyone caught up with today.

So I had submitted my headshot and resume to be an extra in a film back in Sept, got cast as an extra for a DISNEY MOVIE with A-LIST ACTORS and an awesome Michigan raised director! How cool! Shot most weekdays in October and then carried on into Nov. Between the filming and working at my retail job, I was lack of sleep but getting paid.

Not such a great month! Other than filming a few days and then heading to Colorado for my fraternity, I got sick! BIG TIME! Even having to stay in the hospital for nearly a week and getting out on Thanksgiving. Then attempting to go back to work had been fun and being on medication was the icing to it. Slowly but surely I got my energy back...very slowly.

Beginning of December:
Flew back to Colorado for the State Thespian Conference. Had the honor of being an adjudicator (judge) for middle & high school theatre students. Was able to see old friend and catch up as well as see some upcoming talent. Hopefully gave students constructive criticism to work on and commented on success they had. The experience was very humbling and learned a lot.

Just had an audition today, felt totally great about my audition, unfortunately didn't get cast. However helped me get back into the audition mode. Holiday shopping has been sporadic. Wanting to also send holiday cards and grad school application need to be accomplished.

Again notice the pattern of procrastination. However in time, things will get done.

Keeping positive and I'll try to get more posts up!