
It's never a something one hopes for but it happens.

I recently found out one of my colleges I was looking at for Graduate School finally gave me an answer and that was they didn't accept me into their program. Well first off I think it's just an honor to even audition and second it's life. You can't win them all.

However if you ask any of my friends, I can't seem to not want to win. I'm very competitive and I like to win. But I do know how to lose too. Granted it's never a great feeling but it keeps me humble and to always remember that it's a great learning opportunity. Never see it as a failure but as an opportunity to prove to myself I am great and that I have back up plans. It's not the end of the road.

Now I'm awaiting on another college, hopefully we'll find out soon. AND HOPEFULLY it's better news!


So where I work I had a review. It wasn't great and it wasn't bad. It was just a review. I really value that my job takes in improving their employees. However this review felt as though I was defeated, but definitely not rejected. I find myself motivating myself to do the best I can and that's all I can do. Granted factors might prevent this, but I just gotta roll with the punches.


If you haven't heard this song, it's pretty catchy.

The song is "Glad You Came," sung by The Wanted. A British Guy(boy) Band. If you're familiar with One Direction, think of this group as the adult counter part, even though they both hit similar audience. However The Wanted's audience is more college then teens. 

Anyways, this song definitely has a catchy beat and a song you could hear at the club and dance to.


I shall try again to blog more frequently, but it's mostly when the mood strikes.
