Day 210

200  210 (UPDATE: I can't days already this year! How crazy is that!?!?

As always, I've neglected to blog on here, but I had thought about posting within 30 days of the last one but that didn't turn out.


Summer has been literally a roller coaster of emotions. I even went to ride roller coasters this past week. After going with some friends from work and going on the rides, it hit me that, it's ok to go through all the emotions, just as long as I enjoy the ride. I can't keep living in fear and I just need to take things in stride.

I have had some not so great things happen recently some of it is my own doing and some just wasn't meant to be, but I'm learning. I'm a young adult and living my life. It may not have been the life I dreamed of when growing up but it's still my life!

I think the one constant this summer has been my blogging about Big Brother! I'm literally a die-hard fan, without being too crazy, if that even makes sense. I don't subscribe to the live feeds, but I support the fan pages. Granted I should really purchase the live feeds, but that's one expense that's not worth just for three months when I've got student debt and living my life to worry about. Big Brother is that nice escape and really shows that I am a good person, even though I have a very strange fascination with being on a TV show that documents everyone's life for 24/7 for three months and trying to win $500,000. I guess you can say that's the competitor in me. I'll be really sad if the show gets cancelled, but I'll be honest, there are other reality tv shows out there, yet Big Brother has a place in my heart!


I've been on and off the getting fit wagon. I keep seeing my friends heading to the gym and I'm here just lounging around. When I see their progress it makes me jealous and makes me get my butt into the gym. Then I remember I'm not trying to be a gym rat or a meat head. I'm just trying to feel physically fit and have a body I'm happy with. I'm slowly seeing changes and I can only hope that when I continue to keep going that I will see the results I want. My weakness at the moment is my diet and motivation. Right now my eating habits could be improved but I'm doing fine with where I am, however if I want to pack on the muscle weight, I need to change my diet and continually exercise to burn the fat and build the muscle. Let's be honest to change my diet that means I need to honestly eat more which costs money and with my current financial situation that doesn't seem like it will change anytime soon. So I'm making due with what I go. On the plus side, I'm seeing abs, people have noticed that I've been working and I'm feeling good about myself. So it's a win-win.

Until next time

Oh and here are my blog posts for CBS Detroit for Big Brother 15!
Check them out!

Read all my blogs for Big Brother here!

P.S. I'm really excited for the new Backstreet Boys album that's being released tomorrow.