Day 177

Wow, just got done watching So You Think You Can Dance and just WOW!

This season they've set the bar high! These contestants mean business. I'm glad that the producers of this show are working their butts off to make sure the "big wigs" (aka FOX) sees how much dance is an amazing form of entertainment and this show needs to get back to two shows a week.

::stepping down from my soap box::

Now for the actual's where I'm ranking the guys and girls.

1. Amy Yakima - She had the dance of the night with her partner. It was great and she has a great personality to match her awesome dancing.
2. Jasmine Mason - Doing a dance blindfolded is skill and then having complete trust in your partner while blindfolded. Jasmine M, did great this week.
3. Jasmine Harper - Jasmin H is definitely in a power couple and both are "giants."
4. Brittany Cherry - Afro-jazz is hard but Brittany made it look easy.
5. Hayley Erbert - She may be in the middle of the pack on my list but she definitely caught my eye during this weeks piece! Hayley has swag!
6. Jenna Johnson - Safe, honestly couldn't really say it was the strongest but definitely not the weakest.
7. Makenzie Dustman - I literally was like, "Who is this girl," when she was all dolled up. But then remember she's a great dancer! However their are plenty of strong girls and she's fallen short on my list.
8. Malice Miller - I like Malice, but I fear she'll be dancing for her life. Her piece was great, she definitely matured but will it be enough to keep her in the competition. I'm predicting yes, but we'll see.
9. Mariah Spears - I want this girl Krumper to be safe but I fear she too will be in danger.
10. Alexis Juliano - She can tap but she's gotta work on her swag. I like Alexis but that piece was not up to par.

1. Fik-Shun - This guys got personality and the talent to back it up. He'll be safe but I would definitely like to see some struggle from him. Nobody can be great all the time.
2. Curtis Holland - Curtis did a great job with the hip hop piece, I was a little nervous since he was always a happy guy could he get down and dirty. He delivered.
3. Aaron Turner - If this dude is not safe, America I will flip a table and yell at everyone who voted for the other guys. He was 11 on the judges short list this season and with a twist of fate was given an opportunity to prove those judges wrong. Let's keep him in the competition to prove the judges wrong. He may not be the top person on my list but he's my FAVORITE DANCER so far! I like an underdog and his talent is endless! #TeamAaronTurner
4. Alan Bersten - Alan would be higher on my list but sadly I had to agree with the judges, I needed more emotion. He was a great partner, but I needed more. He'll definitely be safe.
5. Tucker Knox - Middle of the road performance but I know Tucker can do better. His personality shines through but I wasn't jumping up for him.
6. Paul Karmiryan - Even though Paul may have won the Armenian SYTYCD he's definitely trying to prove America he can dance. Give this guy a chance, but I know the fact he "won" another countries dance version is hindering him from advancing with some votes.
7. Jade Zuberi - I want Jade to stay in this competition but I fear there are way too many good guys (like the girls) where he's getting lost in the light. He did have a great piece this weak and he's from Michigan, I've got to support a local!
8.  Blueprint - It was good, but was it great for me, no. He'll be safe but I wouldn't be surprised if Blueprint had to dance for his life.
9. Carlos Garland - Carlos will also be dancing for his life. The Jive piece wasn't bouncing enough and personally I couldn't remember who Carlos was. Sorry to fans of him but I there are "bigger" personalities and talent in this guy pool.
10. Nico Greetham - Didn't have swag and could be his swan song. But next week is another day and he could pull an amazing redemption routine to convince this judges.


In other news, glad to hear the announcement of Project Runway returning next month. Also new shows I've started to watch (and catch up on, since I work when these shows air) The Goodwin Games (FOX) and Devious Maids (Lifetime). I'm not ashamed to say that I'm watching a Lifetime show, but there has been "controversy" on the whole stereotyping and what not. I'm watching it as a show and they all so happened to be a certain ethnicity, big deal. Besides it's based off a Telenovela, just like many shows that air in the US. Funny that both new shows I'm watching have two actresses that have been in a show I also enjoyed but now has been off the air for three years, Ugly Betty. Ana Ortiz and Becky Newton are doing well for themselves. Too bad Vanessa Williams and Michael Urie didn't have much success, but they'll find something. Also I want America Ferrera back in my life, she needs to be in a TV series or do an Ugly Betty Movie.

Speaking of another Ugly Betty cast member, Christopher Gorham will be returning on USA's Covert Affairs next month and I'm looking forward to that. Plus I'm following him on twitter (no shame) and the locations he's traveling to, ridiculous and jealous! Also another USA show I'm glad that's back is Royal Pains and coming back next month Suits! Oh I did forget to mention Graceland is a new show I'm trying to watch. One of the show leads happens to be a Broadway vet and is now on the small screen.


That was a lot of TV, life wise, it's a roller coaster but I'm taking it in strides and trying to stay positive and hopeful for the future!

Oh Big Brother starts at 8pm tonight! SO EXCITED!
