Day 92
I am enjoying my day off today from work!
With my day off from work I am enjoying catching up on my reality tv shows!
Right now I am watching the following shows:
- Dancing With The Stars
- The Voice
- Big Brother Canada
- Project Runway
I was also watching The Face, but that ended and the winner for me was a slight surprise but it is what it is.
Dancing With The Stars is a show that I enjoy for the mere fact it's Dancing. The celebrity aspect is funny and my final three pics right now are
- Kellie & Derek
- Zendya & Val
- Jacoby & Karina
however I would enjoy to see these people in the finals
- Zendya & Val
- Aly & Mark
- Victor & Lindsay
But I feel like it may be following
- Kellie & Derek
- Ingo & Kim
- Jacoby & Karina
As much as I enjoy Kellie Pickler, I cannot stand Derek Hough winning this freaking show series. I'm pretty sure his three time championships and five out of ten trips to the finals it's safe to say Derek has built a fan base. Also it doesn't hurt that his partner has just as much if not more of a fan base too. Ingo has a huge following with soap opera. I was surprised but then I had to really think about the demographic this show is trying to get it makes sense. However Jacoby is definitely a wild card but since he's a sports guy they attract fans and that will keep him safe.
I would personally like to see youth dominate this competition. Victor is a wild card, but I am a fan of Lindsay for the fact she was on So You Think You Can Dance. However with this demographic Youth has a slim to none chance! Why because they like seeing the underdogs win. But let's be honest, the youth is the underdogs, why not vote for them?!?! Alright off my soapbox...Zendya was a surprise this season. However she does hip hop so I was excited to hear about that since I enjoy hip hop dancing but I was surprised they were trying to get the Disney Channel viewers to watch, when those kids/demographic should be focusing on education or actually learning to dance. You'd think because she was an Olympian she'd be great, she's in my opinion not even close to where Shawn was but definitely has a lot of work ahead of her.
The Voice is getting good. I am enjoying Shakira & Usher joining the show! Adam and Blake are still good too for their little bromance segments. I'm surprised that they've been playing up the Latino Audiences with the multi-lingualness of Shakira. Spanish, Portuguese and English...I wish I could speak that many.
Right now here's how I rank the judges teams:
Team Adam
Team Shakira
Team Usher
Team Blake
Adam has a girl who sang with Michael Jackson and Adam is definitely taking a page from Blake last season and really playing on multiple genre artists. Not focusing too much on pop but actually going for a Voice. Which is smart. I enjoy Shakira's team it's very diverse and will play well with the Latino Audience. Usher is currently under the radar with his team but I won't be surprised if his team has many stand outs this season. Blake is playing to his country roots and if people know me I am not a fan of country. So obviously he's not in my top team but also he's kinda playing it safe with the artists he's been getting and selecting. I will be looking forward to the Knockout Rounds and possible steals!
Big Brother Canada (BBCA)!
For anyone who knows me, Big Brother is my guilty pleasure show! I LOVE this show! It's a great mix of the Real World (having strangers randomly picked to live in a house) and Survivor (Outwit, Outplay and Outlast)! The fact that Canada has been begging to get a show and they finally have one it's pretty cool to watch. Granted I am watching via internet but it's worth it! Plus BBCA really took the time to make sure their first season was great! And it's getting their...I'm not saying it's not great right now but it's becoming predictable. But that happens with every show. The producers can do only so much to appeal the the audience and to let the guinea pigs (the houseguests) do what they're doing.
So anyways my favorite players in the game are the ones who are actually playing. Do I like some of their moves, NO but they're playing the game AND/OR at least getting airtime. Which is the most important thing. If you're not getting airtime then you're doing something wrong. You're either playing too safe or your story isn't good enough to get you some camera time.
People playing the game:
- Gary
- Alec
- Peter
- Jillian
- Emmett
- Talla
Lost Causes
- Topaz
- Andrew
At first when I read about Gary, I wasn't on board, however seeing him play the game has surprised me. Alec & Peter our obvious game players and if the houseguests were smart enough vote them out. Gary is obviously on the chopping block, but I really like the message Gary is sending. However I think he's over doing it now with the dramatics. I'm glad he's calm down the glitter though. Jillian is supposedly a good player according to AJ but he got voted out and he had been a pawn for four evictions he got lucky his first three but the his last sealed the deal. But he's not going home just yet he's a Juror. Which I'm predicting a mellow jury, unlike Big Brother 14 here in the US. However Jillian is just boring to me, she's just canoodling with Emmett and I'm bored with her. Emmett lost his bromance Tom and he's just a lost duck and is just floating to whoever has power. Talla is just a wild card but she's floater at best. Unless she wins HOH she's no game player for me. But I do see her with a lot of potential since she's been close multiple times for HOH. So there is hope for her.
Peter said it best, Topaz should have kept her mouth shut and not kept yapping. However I LOVED this twist. It's brilliant, it's BIG BROTHER! I would hate to have that happen to me. But I know I probably would have done what Topaz did. Topaz though should always remember, (canada's motto) Big Brother is always watching! And to Expect the Unexpected (US BB motto). Andrew is an idiot. You put up Topaz because she put you up!?!? Typical move, why not have backdoor her. Then again she can take herself and Gary off the block. However if you wanted to make a big move, TAKE OUT ALEC & PETER! This is a game, yes, you'll lose numbers for putting them up but it's a week to week game. You can plan as much as you want far out but you need to throw some curve balls. But we'll see what happens. Plus the house flip flops day to day. So if Andrew wants Gary out he'll probably go out unless Topaz does something really stupid! But it definitely sucks if you're on the chopping block up with someone in your alliance. However you've got to look out for yourself! If they're out and you're safe then move on and play the game. Janelle is a great example. As many of her alliance members got voted off she continued to fight to win power. But she may be a great player she has yet to be a winner. I say that because let's be honest, we all know Janelle will probably be back in the BB US house one season. Maybe not this upcoming season but another. I just hope this next season they have some new blood, fresh faces and a DIVERSE CAST! Ok off my soapbox again sorry!
Project Runway - I didn't watch today but I already caught up so maybe another blog entry!
With my day off from work I am enjoying catching up on my reality tv shows!
Right now I am watching the following shows:
- Dancing With The Stars
- The Voice
- Big Brother Canada
- Project Runway
I was also watching The Face, but that ended and the winner for me was a slight surprise but it is what it is.
Dancing With The Stars is a show that I enjoy for the mere fact it's Dancing. The celebrity aspect is funny and my final three pics right now are
- Kellie & Derek
- Zendya & Val
- Jacoby & Karina
however I would enjoy to see these people in the finals
- Zendya & Val
- Aly & Mark
- Victor & Lindsay
But I feel like it may be following
- Kellie & Derek
- Ingo & Kim
- Jacoby & Karina
As much as I enjoy Kellie Pickler, I cannot stand Derek Hough winning this freaking show series. I'm pretty sure his three time championships and five out of ten trips to the finals it's safe to say Derek has built a fan base. Also it doesn't hurt that his partner has just as much if not more of a fan base too. Ingo has a huge following with soap opera. I was surprised but then I had to really think about the demographic this show is trying to get it makes sense. However Jacoby is definitely a wild card but since he's a sports guy they attract fans and that will keep him safe.
I would personally like to see youth dominate this competition. Victor is a wild card, but I am a fan of Lindsay for the fact she was on So You Think You Can Dance. However with this demographic Youth has a slim to none chance! Why because they like seeing the underdogs win. But let's be honest, the youth is the underdogs, why not vote for them?!?! Alright off my soapbox...Zendya was a surprise this season. However she does hip hop so I was excited to hear about that since I enjoy hip hop dancing but I was surprised they were trying to get the Disney Channel viewers to watch, when those kids/demographic should be focusing on education or actually learning to dance. You'd think because she was an Olympian she'd be great, she's in my opinion not even close to where Shawn was but definitely has a lot of work ahead of her.
The Voice is getting good. I am enjoying Shakira & Usher joining the show! Adam and Blake are still good too for their little bromance segments. I'm surprised that they've been playing up the Latino Audiences with the multi-lingualness of Shakira. Spanish, Portuguese and English...I wish I could speak that many.
Right now here's how I rank the judges teams:
Team Adam
Team Shakira
Team Usher
Team Blake
Adam has a girl who sang with Michael Jackson and Adam is definitely taking a page from Blake last season and really playing on multiple genre artists. Not focusing too much on pop but actually going for a Voice. Which is smart. I enjoy Shakira's team it's very diverse and will play well with the Latino Audience. Usher is currently under the radar with his team but I won't be surprised if his team has many stand outs this season. Blake is playing to his country roots and if people know me I am not a fan of country. So obviously he's not in my top team but also he's kinda playing it safe with the artists he's been getting and selecting. I will be looking forward to the Knockout Rounds and possible steals!
Big Brother Canada (BBCA)!
For anyone who knows me, Big Brother is my guilty pleasure show! I LOVE this show! It's a great mix of the Real World (having strangers randomly picked to live in a house) and Survivor (Outwit, Outplay and Outlast)! The fact that Canada has been begging to get a show and they finally have one it's pretty cool to watch. Granted I am watching via internet but it's worth it! Plus BBCA really took the time to make sure their first season was great! And it's getting their...I'm not saying it's not great right now but it's becoming predictable. But that happens with every show. The producers can do only so much to appeal the the audience and to let the guinea pigs (the houseguests) do what they're doing.
So anyways my favorite players in the game are the ones who are actually playing. Do I like some of their moves, NO but they're playing the game AND/OR at least getting airtime. Which is the most important thing. If you're not getting airtime then you're doing something wrong. You're either playing too safe or your story isn't good enough to get you some camera time.
People playing the game:
- Gary
- Alec
- Peter
- Jillian
- Emmett
- Talla
Lost Causes
- Topaz
- Andrew
At first when I read about Gary, I wasn't on board, however seeing him play the game has surprised me. Alec & Peter our obvious game players and if the houseguests were smart enough vote them out. Gary is obviously on the chopping block, but I really like the message Gary is sending. However I think he's over doing it now with the dramatics. I'm glad he's calm down the glitter though. Jillian is supposedly a good player according to AJ but he got voted out and he had been a pawn for four evictions he got lucky his first three but the his last sealed the deal. But he's not going home just yet he's a Juror. Which I'm predicting a mellow jury, unlike Big Brother 14 here in the US. However Jillian is just boring to me, she's just canoodling with Emmett and I'm bored with her. Emmett lost his bromance Tom and he's just a lost duck and is just floating to whoever has power. Talla is just a wild card but she's floater at best. Unless she wins HOH she's no game player for me. But I do see her with a lot of potential since she's been close multiple times for HOH. So there is hope for her.
Peter said it best, Topaz should have kept her mouth shut and not kept yapping. However I LOVED this twist. It's brilliant, it's BIG BROTHER! I would hate to have that happen to me. But I know I probably would have done what Topaz did. Topaz though should always remember, (canada's motto) Big Brother is always watching! And to Expect the Unexpected (US BB motto). Andrew is an idiot. You put up Topaz because she put you up!?!? Typical move, why not have backdoor her. Then again she can take herself and Gary off the block. However if you wanted to make a big move, TAKE OUT ALEC & PETER! This is a game, yes, you'll lose numbers for putting them up but it's a week to week game. You can plan as much as you want far out but you need to throw some curve balls. But we'll see what happens. Plus the house flip flops day to day. So if Andrew wants Gary out he'll probably go out unless Topaz does something really stupid! But it definitely sucks if you're on the chopping block up with someone in your alliance. However you've got to look out for yourself! If they're out and you're safe then move on and play the game. Janelle is a great example. As many of her alliance members got voted off she continued to fight to win power. But she may be a great player she has yet to be a winner. I say that because let's be honest, we all know Janelle will probably be back in the BB US house one season. Maybe not this upcoming season but another. I just hope this next season they have some new blood, fresh faces and a DIVERSE CAST! Ok off my soapbox again sorry!
Project Runway - I didn't watch today but I already caught up so maybe another blog entry!