Day 90

So obviously there is a big gap from Jan 26 to now....

However I am back!

So for Lent this year I decided to give up Social Media; which meant the following

I wouldn't actively participate or go on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pintrest, GoodReads, Blogger, etc.

I would however still read blogs but not comment and use e-mail.


What did I learn from all of this?

I am addicted to Social Media but I did learn how to control my addiction/obsession over it. I actually had so conversations with people outside of social media. Whether that be a face to face meeting, text messaging or phone conversation or email.

I did enjoy however not always feeling like having a need to check everyone's business on social media and posting about things going on in my life. But at the same time missed that as well since it seems like that's the only way to really keep communication going with anyone anymore.

Social media is a great outlet and I definitely wish I didn't give it up some days. However I remember that it's a privilege to have the accessibility to check always, when their are people who don't even use it or know how.


However my life continued on through my sacrifice of Social Media, so here's what happened.

  • I did my first video submission and after countless hours of filming, editing and getting feedback....I submitted it. Then afterwards (fast forward a couple weeks) I reflected and realized I am not great at video submission and MUCH BETTER in person. Why is this? I over analyze and try too hard, but if it was a face to face audition I know I can rock it out. So it just means I need to continue to work on working for the camera. Maybe one of theses days I'll muster up the courage to do a video blog entry
  • Went to a Fairie Ball, where my friend Courtney was in a major promoter of the event and was the previous year's Fairie Queen. It was a lot of fun getting to hang out with friends and people watch but the best moment was...being crowned this year's Fairie King! I know that sounds ridiculous but I dressed up in my Fairie costume with make up and wings to win the title. However I wasn't expecting accolades to happen after. So there was a photographer at the event and of course took pictures of the event and pictures of the new Fairie King and Queen. 
    Click the photo see more from the event!
    Fast forward to the following week to hear that the pictures are online and was featured in my local newspaper. So my face was plastered online and on paper. It was kind of crazy but I literally thought nothing of it since, A) who reads newspapers still? and B) who's going to look to read about the Fairie Ball?....However I was WRONG! Turns out the director of one of my shows I was in saw it and then brought the paper to rehearsal to show me and my cast mates. THEN I go into work the next day to hear that one of my co-workers saw me in the paper. Embarrassed? YES but ASHAMED? NOPE! It was good publicity for the event and was at least flattered to hear that people I knew where excited to see me in a paper and that they knew someone in it. So as much as I was embarrassed (A LOT) I still had a fun time!

  • I went to see an advance screening of a movie I was in and It was awesome! Though it wasn't a movie premiere it felt like one. Plus it was good to see old friends and I even got a picture with one of the executive producers of the film! Such a honor to have had the great opportunity to be in a film and see all the hard work come together! 

Photo Credit: John Maiuri
Photo Credit: John Maiuri

  • I had to say "See You Later" to one of my co-workers as they transferred to another store. I can say however Ryan, has been an amazing person. I saw him as a mentor at my work and I was sad to see him go, but I know that our paths will cross again!
Photo Credit: Katie Moore

So that pretty much catches you (the READERS of my blog, and THANK YOU) on what's going on right now! Hopefully in the near future I shall continue updating what's going on!

In the meantime, Happy Sunday, Happy Easter, Happy Zombie Jesus, Happy Day!
