Rolling in the Deep
If anyone hasn't heard this song from Adele, you need to!
So interesting story....
I convinced begged friend Courtney into auditioning for our city's version of "American Idol," called "Farmington Idol," for our city's annual "Founders Festival." Being very courageous, I decided to do Adele's song of "Rolling in the Deep," as my audition song. People were surprised by my song choice but I sang it acapella and did a good job.
So there were 21 people that auditioned and 11 made it through...Unfortunately Courtney didn't make it...but I did. I was excited but kinda REALLY bummed that Courtney didn't make the finals.
Anyways, so after the auditions, went home and then got ready to see HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART TWO at midnight with my friend Jasmine! We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for some dinner before the show. While watching the 3D we were split up due to the amount of people watching it! But it was worth it! Enjoyed the movie!
Back to the story...
Had to find another song to do for the finals or I could stick with the same song, hoping nobody else did it. Fast forward, decided to stick with my audition song got the music and started practicing. In between going to a job interview.
At the finals, definitely was nervous and it definitely showed in my performance. I had my friend Courtney record it, but to spare people (and my pride) I'm not posting it. I'll be honest the nerves got the best of me and I was PITCHY...BEYOND! I was sad but I remembered I was going in it for fun and not to WIN. As much as I would have like to, I really wanted to do it for fun and I did even though the issue of nerves.
So yeah that pretty much sums of today. I really hope to get hired at this job I interviewed for! I really like the company and it would be good to get more money to pay off debt and save-ish...hahaha Downside my training is during my family reunion...dilema
However my family will understand, granted I haven't seen any of them in a good five years...