Blogging Mood

I'm in the mood to blog...about what...that's a good question....

Let's see I could start off with what happened today....nothing too exciting...I did however went to work today for a closing shift and that was interesting. Then went over to my friend Courtney's house to hang for a bit and drop something off.

Courtney and her family were watching, "Merlin," the NBC show that didn't work for the US but now is going into Season for in the UK on BBC. Interesting show....from the two-ish episodes I had watched.

My day was kinda boring...but that's how it goes for a post-college undergraduate still trying to find a "Grown Up" job. Though I do enjoy the current job I have, but I need something more fulfilling.


Summer has been fun so far! I've truly enjoyed my time back home, even with it's ups and downs; pros and cons, it's home.

Did some random shots of stuff around Courtney's house, thought they were cool and wanted to share them on here...

I throughly enjoy the "toy camera" feature on my digital camera...It does my photoediting I want done for me for photos I want to look a little vintage and getting a different point of view.


I'm a reality junkie...I admit it...thought this isn't a surprise to my friends, they know I like watching them and know maybe too much about them...hahahha I've even auditioned for some. Yeah I'm weird like that.

Current reality shows watching...
Big Brother 13 and So You Think You Can Dance 8

BB13 - This is pretty much the season of the returning houseguest....the past two weeks it's been Alum who've won HOH (Head Of Household) competitions and obviously nominating the new people. It's kinda annoying...I actually applied for this season and I definitely feel like I've got WAY MORE PERSONALITY then some of these characters on the show. But I could always apply next

SYTYCD8 - I like how they stuck back to the original format of the top 20, however Nigel (one of the "resident judges"/executive producer) made some horrible choices for eliminations. Though I'm happy with the top five girls, the boys are all kinds of messed up. Ricky and Mitchell should have peaced out! I would have liked Chris and Nick/Alexander in the top five guys. But these are just my opinions. Nigel, "MUST KNOW" what America wants right...*cough* RATINGS *cough*....just FYI Nigel Ricky and Mitchell will be getting the low votes from America...just watch!


My grandma (mom's side) is here again with us! I picked her up while babysitting my brother form the airport. I liked how I planned driving and getting their just as she walked outside to the International Arrivals pick up area. Great timing! Even though my mom told me I should have left just as I was getting there. Going with my gut won! Plus it was good to see my grandma again!
