Start of a busy summer!
It's officially June and I'm excited for summer to start!
I've been asked to present a workshop at the Thespian Festival this year! It'll be my second year as a workshop presenter but my 12th year in attendance!
While I'm at the festival, my favorite summer reality tv show come back on, Big Brother and I'll be blogging about it! For the past three seasons I've been featured on CBS Detroit website!
Then after I fly back from the festival, I jump on another plane to head to training for a new position at my "survival job." Which I'm thankful for the opportunity and look forward to the experience!
Oh this past weekend I was cast to be a part of a web series! Which I look forward to being a part of and did my first filming for it this weekend.
Even though I just had a showcase last week, I'm continuing to be busy and pursue my dreams!