Three Trips in May

As I'm awaiting to board my flight, I'm stopping near a food place to eat and to also blog.

The past two weeks, I've made trips back to "Pure Michigan," for my friend's graduation as well as surprising my mom for her birthday.

My first trip was only three days and I was able to see my friend graduate with their master's degree from Wayne State University! So proud of them and it was great to see some friends graduate with their undergrad from WSU as well.

I may have missed some friends my first trip back but I assured others that I would be returning the following week for a surprise but planned visit. My mom's friends' were planning her a not so surprise birthday party and I knew about this weeks in advance but didn't know about it until after I had booked my first trip. Knowing the cost of travel it was something that was weighing on my mind. But to surprise my mom was a great moment. She had know idea and was brought to tears. It was a special moment and I'm glad I was able to keep it a surprise.

Overall it was nice to visit friends and family from Michigan, but I'm ready to get back to the hustle and bustle of NYC, my new home! However I still have a home in Michigan.

Now in a week I'll be traveling to Mexico for a vacation/birthday celebration! I'm looking forward to my trip abroad, even if it's just Mexico. I look froward to warm weather, hanging out with friends and working on a tan!

May has been great for traveling, I'm thankful I'm Pre-TSA where I am able to skip the line.

My food is here and I'm starving! I've got work tonight as well back home so I'm back to me regular routine!
