A Much Needed Vacation

So last month when I went to my friend's wedding, their family asked if I had any vacation time next month to join them in Florida. Luckily I did have some vacation time from work and planned to go on vacation!

Two weeks ago I had the amazing time of going to Florida with my friends and their family. As much as I love NYC, it's really nice to get away from the fast pace and just relax. Which I can definitely say was needed.

I arrived to much warmer temperatures and in open arms! What the vacation taught me was that I am pursuing a lifelong dream, that it's nice to just take a step back and enjoy life. That's exactly what I did during the vacation! I was spending time with friends and not having to think about work or NYC for a week. It was such a blast!

While on vacation I even got to see my Grand Little, who I haven't seen in two years, since him and his family moved to Florida! It was great to catch up with him and his girlfriend.

Below are some pics from that week! I went to the Universal Studios theme parks and Disney World, specifically Magic Kingdom and Epcot! Took a day trip to Cocoa Beach, which a good friend of mine just moved from to NYC and luck would have it was visiting while I was there.

Enjoying a Butterbeer in Diagon Alley in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Island of Adventures

With Sideshow Bob and Krusty the Clown outside of Kwik-E-Mart in The Simpsons at Universal Studios Theme Park

Awaiting to go into Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom

At Walt Disney World Epcot meeting Duffy the Bear

In front of the Epcot Ball at Walt Disney World

At Cocoa Beach, FL

With my Grand Little

Now I've been back in the city reenergized and ready to continue to pursue my dreams!


Mark Drum