Day 338
Well I'm 10,000 feet above the ground and I'm on my laptop flying from the east coast to the rocky mountains.
This was my first trek back to LGA since 2008, which seems like forever ago.
Time to catch up on some blogging since I'm on a flight with literally nothing to do. Actually there are plenty of things for me to do, but I really wanted to blog!
My new place I moved into in Astoria has been great! My roommates are great and I'm away from the city to enjoy it without going too crazy. I love NYC but it's nice to have a little piece of suburbia (i.e. Trees and not just buildings). My friend whom was one of the reasons I moved to Astoria (but also I liked the neighborhood) has decided to move back home and start another chapter of their life. They want to pursue graduate school and found it best to go home. I commend them for realizing it but selfishly wish they were still here. But I know they'll do some great things!
I've had the great opportunity of auditioning for a theatre company and I'm still awaiting to hear back. I was fortunate to make it through two different callbacks and the experience has been the most rewarding. On top of the audition, I had the opportunity to apply for a position at my job as well.
Like anyone else trying to multitask things as well as pursue multiple things at once, knows how stressful and tiring it can be, but the rewards are worth it. However the position at my job, I wasn't selected to move on but I did get something out of it, so it was a win-win.
Never really mentioned why I'm on a plane. I'm actually going to a theatre conference in Colorado which I've been a part of for six years now helping out. I'm excited to see familiar faces and see the talent from the high school and middle school kids. I also decided to come a day early and visit my alma mater. Looking forward to seeing my college friends and fraternity brothers both old and new.
However I'm not looking forward to this sub zero temperatures. I'm thankful most of my time will be done inside.
I'll add some photos from the past month up as well. But the wifi on the plane isn't permitting me to do so.
Until next time!