Day 145

So I felt like blogging, and it's really late.

However I feel when I blog, that it should be a good amount of length as opposed to a quick blurb. If it was a quick blurb, I would just tweet about it.

My birthday had happened and I enjoyed my birthday this year! I'm looking forward to seeing what is in store for me.

I definitely made a BIG birthday wish and I'm hoping that I can work really hard to try and make it happen. 


Today I went over to a friends house to hang out with others just to catch up and enjoy the "Summertime," technically it's Spring but apparently once it's June it's Summer....It's still Spring until June 20. Then Summer is June 21, for the Summer Solstice.

Anyways I digress....

Hang out and then we start to play video games...

I enjoy video games however I HATE and I do mean HATE to lose. I'm overly competitive and I'm a very poor sport at times most times. Especially when it's up against another overly competitive person. In the end it reiterated why I stopped playing video games and only play solo games. If I do play a video game again I just need to remember to have fun. That's what I learned when playing board games now...yeah


The Voice, so in my honest opinion that it's time for Holly Tucker to go home, plus she sang first which is usually the one people forget by the end of the program.

Michelle Chamuel is my FAVORITE! Then it's Amber Carrington. 

I am TEAM USHER all the way! However it'll be tough because I feel this season in particular is heavily a country fan base. Which isn't bad but I'm just not a fan of the music. However Michelle's pick wasn't a fan of....(it was a country song, artist I'm not to fond of and it was country) #sorrynotsorry

So yeah that was an interesting twist that they're only eliminating one this week...I think they're milking viewers, since the summer season doesn't start for another couple of weeks...i.e. BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!

Ok I think this blog is long enough for me to feel like it isn't a quick blurb!
