Day Two

I had a great day today. Finally was able to sleep in and get a full night's sleep.

This past weekend I surprised my best friend Michael for his birthday.

I contacted his mom to make sure I wasn't going to come during anything important. Luckily I was able to work things out and was able to surprise him. The best part I even left subtle clues the day of the surprise. I arrived about 45min (12:45am) into his birthday and I sent him a text wishing him a Happy Birthday along with a picture of his house. I got an awesome reaction and text from it.

However I digress...

So today I contact Nike about my little error I had been receiving on my Nike+
What's really cool about Nike is that their customer support can be contact in four different ways. Email, Phone or Social Media (Facebook and/or Twitter). So I contacted them via twitter and I was lucky to get help through it. I now have a new nike fuel band (granted this is my third one, because the first one had battery issue and this last one has had hardware issue) let's hope third times the charm.

Work was good. I made a new contact and really looking forward to the possible opportunity for another job! So keeping my fingers crossed.

After work I headed over to the gym to work out. Pleasant surprise saw my co-worker with his brother working out. Always cool seeing familiar faces at the gym.

Today had been a good day! Can't wait for tomorrow! 
