Day Eight

I finally went to the gym finally in the new year! I kind of been slacking on going, however I finally went and it felt great! What wasn't great was all the "New Year's Resolution" folk finally going to the gym to get themselves in shape. Granted it is one of my resolutions, I however have been going for a good two months now on a regular basis, while having a membership at the gym for over a year now. So I can easily say it's kind of frustrating to see a surge of people. But it is good for the gym's business and it supplies income for their workers, so I'm not complaining too much!

I really miss long distance running and I read an article in Men's Health about a routine to get yourself ready for a 5k in six weeks. So I copied the training schedule and will be doing that on top of my regular work out routine. But really my regular work out routine is weights, abs and yoga. However I would really like to get at least to a 24 min 5k racing time. In my "prime" I could run a 5k on average 19 min. Alas years of not running consistently has definitely slowed me but it's ok, I was pursing other ventures, mainly my degree (theatre).

After my workout I had a late shift at work and headed off to work. Luckily I had brought food because during my shift I was starving and needed to get some food in. Granted I had worked out before going to work and didn't replenish afterwards didn't help. But I was glad I packed food. Finally getting off work noticed my car had ice and if you remember I lost my ice scrapper, so it definitely made getting home a little longer. Luckily one of my co-workers was nice enough to help me out! It's always nice and definitely paying it forward!
