Day 20

I've made it to 20 days! Feeling proud that I have posted twenty days! Granted some of my entries have been short.

Anyways the Canton One Acts Festival has ended and I was really sad, but was glad for the experience. I found out my director/playwright was producing a show for his next theatre thing an auditions were being held yesterday evening.

::side note::
I had been emailing ferociously the director and producer for the Farmington Players next show Legally Blonde the Musical about getting an audition. As mentioned yesterday I got an audition. However it was during strike for the One Acts.
::end side note::

So after the show was over, we began strike. Which didn't take to long and was able to get to the audition for Farmington Players!

However this past weekend I was plagued with inflamed nasal cavities, which the have me nasal congestion and many symptoms I thought were the flu. So going to the musical auditions I was going in with a hoarse voice.

To my surprise the director was someone whom I've auditioned with an knew what my voice sounded like when I was since or hoarse. So I was relieved however was apologizing up the wazoo. It was nice however having considerate director, musical director and producer.

After the audition I then rushed to the next audition. Which was for St. Dunstan's theatre guild's Almost Maine. Which I have seen before and was really excited to auditioned!

Overall even with a hectic weekend it was such an awesome one too!
Mark Drumblah, reflecting, sick, theatre