October Update
The fact that I've neglected to blog isn't because I have nothing to write about but it's been finding the motivation to write.
Where to begin?.....
That's the show I'm currently in being done by The New Theatre Project in collaboration with Brendalinda Performance Collaborative. Interestingly enough I have the great opportunity to be doing a show with a friend back from high school through Thespians. The show has been an amazing experience and if you're in the Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor Area you should definitely check it out! The show runs Thurs-Sun and show runs until Nov 4! Tickets can be purchased here.
Job Search
So I recently applied for a job and even though I didn't get the position I learned a lot from the experience. I was lucky enough to get a phone interview so it was a win-win. I still have a job that I enjoy but didn't want to pass up the opportunity of the job I was applying for.
I've also applied to do an internship and we'll see if I get a phone interview or an in-person interview we'll see.
However even though I'm applying for different jobs my passion still lies in theatre and hopefully soon rather than later I'll be able to pursue my passion for the arts as a career.
Nike+ Fuelband
I've joined the bandwagon on this device. However I am super out of shape. So hopefully joining this bandwagon I'll be able to motivate myself into working out regularly again. We'll see how that goes and I'm going to stay optimistic about it.