Big Brother Season 14 Episode Nine
Here's a little snippet of what's to come for last night's episode breakdown. This time check out my "Floaters of Big Brother"
Floaters of Big Brother
Wil - He was saved this week and didn't do squat to really make an impact on this week's game. Even though he was in the POV competition, he was the second to get eliminated.
Ian - Either is really floating or playing a really good game. From my perspective, Ian is floating and listening maybe a bit too much to his coach or maybe not enough. Ian hasn't really talked strategy nor has he tried to make any alliances. So we'll see how much further he'll last.
Jenn - Another Boogie houseguest and I have yet to see how Jenn is playing the Big Brother game. The whole laying low strategy only goes so far and being noticed is a lot better than floating because they you'll either be considered a threat or making stupid moves. Either way you'll get people talking about you.
Until then Here's the link
Floaters of Big Brother
Wil - He was saved this week and didn't do squat to really make an impact on this week's game. Even though he was in the POV competition, he was the second to get eliminated.
Ian - Either is really floating or playing a really good game. From my perspective, Ian is floating and listening maybe a bit too much to his coach or maybe not enough. Ian hasn't really talked strategy nor has he tried to make any alliances. So we'll see how much further he'll last.
Jenn - Another Boogie houseguest and I have yet to see how Jenn is playing the Big Brother game. The whole laying low strategy only goes so far and being noticed is a lot better than floating because they you'll either be considered a threat or making stupid moves. Either way you'll get people talking about you.
Thoughts? Comments? Reactions? Let me know here or wait tomorrow as this will be posted at CBS Detroit's website!