6am and blogging

I've arrived in Lincoln, NE after pretty much a WHOLE DAY of traveling, but it was such a fun time!

Woke up at 7am to get ready for the day and I honestly was working on five hours of sleep. But if you know me or anyone back at UNC they'll tell you I pretty much DON'T SLEEP and that I'm apparently part human and part wallaby...hahaha

After an hour of trying to get ready/finish some tasks at the house, I arrived at my friend Courtney's house where her and her family would be dropping me off at the airport. Courtney was so kind to even cook breakfast. It was good! I even learned how to cook just the egg whites. Yeah I know that seems something really easy and should have learned to do during college, but I definitely had the luxury of being at home my first two years then while at UNC I had my meal plan...Anyways, the food was really good.

However in true form, I was running late getting to the airport. Luckily I made it with about 50 minutes to spare before my flight left, plus the airlines said I should be there prior to my flight by 30 minutes....so yeah cutting it close but I made it. I stayed positive and didn't freak that I was going to miss my flight...and I totally thought I would, but didn't.

The new terminal at DTW - North Terminal is really old/fancy new....oxymoron I know but really it is...it has alot of it's old elements from the previous building but was definitely renovated to look somewhat like the DTW - McNamara Terminal.

My route to Lincoln, NE consisted of flight from DTW - MDW then a two hour layover then MDW to OMA. Once at OMA, get on OMALINK and then to my final destination, UNL - Kauffman Center.

Chicago - Midway was a good layover spot. I got to use that time to watch a movie and just relax some. Plus I was also able to charge my ipod and phone. I literally came on this trip with almost all of my electronics. But there is a purpose to bringing them, other than making sure my brother didn't get his hands on them. Watched, "How to train a dragon," for the first time...yeah I know didn't see that in theatres and missed every opportunity when my fellow RAs or residents saw it, but I finally managed to get myself to see it....and it was good. Enjoyed the story line, the daddy issues was getting a bit repetitive and kinda ironic watching because today is Father's Day, but still an enjoyable movie to watch for a two hour layover.

The flight from MDW - OMA was short. Only took an hour, which if you were driving it's significantly longer. But made it Omaha, NE! Which during this upcoming week is the NCAA Men's College World Series Championships - Baseball and you could tell that many people coming to Omaha were coming for that. However Monday it's always an interesting mix because include those people and people coming for the International Thespian Festival. It feels like it gets out of hand. But it's always an adventure.

The shuttle ride from Omaha to Lincoln, definitely took longer than what I was expecting...but I didn't stress or complain, I just enjoyed the time I had. Besides I really just was anxious to get to my final destination to unpack and get settled in. While on the shuttle we actually had to turn back because we had to pick up more passengers and then we were off. I was the second stop and finally arrived at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.

Always a fun town to be in. Got into my room and remembered from previous conversations with the home office staff that I'd be rooming with one of my best friends. I've known him just as long as I've been apart of this festival. I actually met him while as a participant here. Nobody was around when I arrived however, so I just started unpacking and jammed out to music. Also my battery for my phone was near dead so charged that. I even pulled out my Wii and brought it to the lounge area to play for a bit thinking I'll eventually see someone. I did and it was the RA for the summer doing rounds....haahaha. But I did play some Super Mario World 2 and Just Dance 2.

Checked on my phone to see if it finished charging it didn't so and I hadn't ate since being at the Chicago airport so I ventured downtown. I stumbled upon Five Guys and haven't had a Five Guys Burger since my trip to Cincy, so I knew I wanted to eat that, plus it was near the campus and didn't want to venture off too far. Got my food and brought it back to where I'm staying to eat. Ate it outside to thinking, I'll eventually see someone...didn't, but it didn't dampen my spirits.

Got back to my room and put in another movie. This time, "Cloverfield," which I didn't see in theatres or any other time but finally made the time to watch. It was an interesting story line, however the monsters looked like the "District 9" aliens and the camera shaking could have stopped. Overall interesting movie definitely kept me on the edge until I saw the creature and wasn't too impressed.

Finally called it a night and woke up early.
Pretty much have blogged my entire day yesterday. Sorry if it sounds boring, but I know I found it fun! This week is going to be a lot of fun! I'll hopefully post some pictures soon.
