Bids, Elections and Programming

April is upon us and I'm still freaking out about Graduation!

Anyways, RHA bids are due at 11:59pm tonight and I'll be working diligently today to finish the bid I'm working on as well as finishing a letter of recommendation.

Elections are coming up for Student Senate and the race has gotten very interesting. Tonight some of the candidates will be going to RHA to speak and tomorrow is the final Open Forum, which I'll be helping out with. I've got some friends running however I'm trying to stay unbiased for these elections since I do sit on Senate as the CSC PVA Representative. But I do encourage all students to check out all the candidates. I wish all the candidates the best of luck. This might sound like a cop out but really it's not. My whole thing is get the students out there and actually learn the facts from those who are running. Yes, support people you know but support them with the understanding that they can represent you as well as the students of our University in the position they are running.

As the year is coming to a close, I working on my final programming effort that I'm doing. Which I'm really excited for, but I really need to get it all finalized. I've asked the groups I'd like to collaborate with and now it's a matter of streamlining all the information. I'm excited for the program and getting residents to participate in it.

Ok well I think I've blogged enough for a bit. Back to focusing on bids.

Mark Drummonday