A little late night blogging

As I'm working the front desk, I'm thinking why not blog.

Don't think I'll do a video blog, while at the desk...doesn't seem professional...hahahaha

Anyways, I'm sitting at the front desk, doing my job...customer service for residents staying over break. Granted my shift is the grave yard shift and since I started at midnight, I've only seen two residents and I'm here until 8am.


Saw Gnomeo & Juliet with a friend yesterday. Since I'm taking a Theatre & Film Class it was interesting to see how the movie incorporated, Shakespeare's story into the film. All in all I was throughly entertained, probably more so than my friend, but that's the theatre person in me geeking out. hahaahaha

On a random note, fratmusic.com has been saving my from going crazy from sitting at the front desk. I enjoy it more than Pandora and there's even a Spring Break mix, so I've been listening to that and there is even a St. Patrick's Day mix, but I'll wait until Thursday to actually listen to that.

Rio Restaurant in downtown Greeley
Before my friend and I saw the movie, we went around downtown Greeley. So as a VERY amateur photographer, we went around downtown Greeley to look for some place to take photos. I got inspired by the Rio Restaurant outside patio and took a picture. Slightly edited but still awesome!

My friend wants me to do a photoshoot for them and I said sure, so that's why we were scouting different locations. The idea for the photoshoot is high fashion on the streets. We'll see how that goes, we'll be doing that later today, after I've slept for a couple of hours and for the weather to warm up. It's apparently going to be 74 degrees today, let's hope. 

Again, Greeley has some pretty random weather, we'll be in the 70s today and tomorrow but then Friday will be the random cold day in the 40s.


Graduation is coming way to soon and becoming way too much of a reality. I ordered my cap & gown rental as well as my graduation announcements. AHHH! Plus I think either Thursday or Saturday, I'll do my own Senior Pictures because I'm that awesome, but really nobody else is around to do the photoshoot  for me and/or I'm probably scared to ask someone...hahaha That's probably more so the case. Either way graduation is coming WAY TO SOON!

Excited to be in the real world and nervous.

Well this has been a very lengthy blog tonight! It was worth it though. I'll probably blog later today or again sometime this week. 


Mark Drumlife, positive