Eight Hour Desk Shift

Every other Saturday, I get the privilege of working an eight hour desk shift! Every time I've had this shift I keep telling myself I'll get work done...but somehow I get distracted or I'm completely not motivated. Which has become very difficult. So I decided might as well update my blog!

This week has been one crazy week in weather...let's see was in the high 50s on Monday and then Wednesday it snows...and has been cold for the past few days. But here's the kicker, we're back in the high 50s again. Oh Colorado and your fickle weather.

I've been really enjoying this final semester of college, but still freaking out about the future. I'll eventually have everything will fall in place. Did my free grad photo yesterday...so surreal. But it was a lot of fun. I still need to order my cap & gown as well as announcements. I also need to do some Senior Pictures...thankfully I could do my own, but I really wish Chris Dzombak lived closer or at least decided to take a trip to Colorado...lol blah! Oh well...I'll figure it out.

I think I've distracted myself long enough...back to doing my assignments on my to do list for the desk....I can do this!

Mark Drum